ESSER & EANS Funding Guide
While most deadlines have past for ESSER or EANS funds to be spent, some schools have received extensions. Contact us if you need help prioritizing these orders for your school.
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What school furniture can purchased with ESSER and EANS funding?
- School furniture that provides safe distance between students and teachers during in-person instruction, such as individual student desks, school chairs and room dividers
- Furniture needed to outfit tutoring centers and enrichment programs, including kidney tables, training tables and whiteboards
- Replacing worn and chipped cafeteria tables to ensure they can be effectively cleaned daily
- Portable sinks for handwashing, and hand-sanitizer stations
- Outdoor furniture to encourage outdoor learning and lunches, such as picnic tables, outdoor benches and bleachers
- Technology equipment, including computer tables and charging carts to keep staff and student devices charged for remote and hybrid learning
- Other PPE, supplies or equipment recommended by the CDC to effectively maintain school health and safety
What are ESSER funds?
ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds are provided by the federal government to help schools address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on K-12 education. These funds can be used to support a wide range of activities, including improving school facilities, providing instructional materials and technology, and hiring additional staff.
There were three separate rounds of ESSER packages administered by the US Department of Education.
- ESSER I included $13.2 billion approved in March 27, 2020
- ESSER II included $54.3 billion approved December 27, 2020
- ESSER III included $122 billion approved March 11, 2021
What schools are eligible for ESSER funds?
All public schools and charter schools are eligible to receive ESSER funding. LEAs (local educational agencies) may distribute funding based on Title 1 status, but Title 1 status is not required.
Private schools are also eligible for ESSER funds based on their enrollment and poverty rates. There are usually more in-depth reviews needed to approve ESSER funds for private schools.
Schools interested in applying for funds must do so through their SEA (state educational agency).
What are the deadlines to spend ESSER funds?
Each round of ESSER funds have their own spending deadline. There may be some exclusions for construction related purchases.
- ESSER I funds available until September 30, 2022
- ESSER II funds available until September 30, 2023
- ESSER III funds available until September 30, 2024
What are EANS funds?
The EANS (Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools) funds were provided by the federal government to help non-public schools to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
There have been two rounds of EANS funding approved by the US Department of Education and there is still time to spend approved funding.
- CRRSA EANS included $2.75 billion approved December 27, 2020
- ARP EANS included $2.75 billion approved March 11, 2021
What schools are eligible for EANS funds?
A school is eligible for EANS funding that meet the following criteria:
- Is accredited non-public, private or faith-based non-profit school
- The school was established prior to March 13, 2020
- The school did not receive a PPP (Payroll Protection Program) loan on or before December 27, 2020
What is the deadline to spend EANS funds?
- CRRSA EANS spending and reimbursement request deadline is September 30, 2023
- ARP EANS spending deadline is September 30, 2024
What are the differences between CRRSA EANS and ARP EANS?
The ARP Act extends the EANS program authorized under section 312(d) of the CRRSA Act.
Eligibility is the same, with two exceptions:
- ARP EANS cannot be used to provide reimbursements; only new purchases
- ARP EANS are only available to non-public schools that enroll a significant percentage of students from low-income families and are most impacted by COVID-19
Your state education agency (SEA) is in charge of administering all EANS funding.
US Department of Education resources:
Do you accept ClassWallet payments?
Yes, Worthington Direct does accept ClassWallet as a form of payment. ClassWallet automates the receipt collection, approval workflow, data reconcilation and transaction settlements so your school can maximize the impact of GEER, ESSER and EANS funds. Several states use ClassWallet to process their EANS orders. Those states are AR, FL, GA, IN, MA, MI, MN, MO, NE, SC, TX and WA.
We are an approved ClassWallet vendor and you may email for a quote or submit a quote request online to get your transaction started.
Read more about the EANS Funding Program on our blog:
After servicing the educational sector for over 27 years, we know that schools are often on a very tight budget. We encourage schools to apply for the available funding to make sure all students are given every advantage possible. We have your back with furniture and social distancing solutions, but these stimulus funds may also be used on technology, additional teaching staff, tutoring and enrichment programs. Contact us today to learn more and have a safe and productive school year!
We accept payment through ClassWallet
We are an approved ClassWallet vendor and you may email for a quote or submit an online quote request to get your transaction started.